1. HIRASHO SHOTEN Co. Ltd, awards YAOSHO to the customer who automatically becomes a member after purchasing a
2. One percent of the total price of the purchased product (without tax) will be counted as 1 YAOSHO Point.
(Percentage of points are accumulated depending on items, and on special sale event). Points will be recorded on
customers (member) data.
3. Customers (member) can use 1 YAOSHO Point as equivalent to 1 yen on their next purchase.
4. Customers (member) can exchange YAOSHO Point to any product of ASIA YAOSHO or it can be used as partial
5. YAOSHO Points are not applicable for special sale items or products with special prices. (e.g. 10c/s and
6. YAOSHO Points are non-convertible to cash.
7. YAOSHO Points is located on the upper right part of the invoice.
8. YAOSHO Points is valid for 1 year starting from the date of last order. YAOSHO Points are null and void upon
9. If purchased products are returned by the customer, YAOSHO Points will be automatically deducted.
10. If the customer (member) decides to terminate his/her membership or does not use points for 1 year, YAOSHO
Points will be automatically cancelled.
11. YAOSHO Points is non-transferable to a third person. If the customer (member) has several customer codes (we
use customer telephone numbers as code) in YAOSHO record, YAOSHO Point will be given on each registered customer
code. Customer (member) must use the accumulated points separately. Only the registered person in ASIA YAOSHO
can use the Point.
12. In cases when ASIA YAOSHO incurs mistakes in the calculation of points, ASIA YAOSHO may immediately apply
the correct calculation (s) without prior notice.
13. If ASIA YAOSHO finds out that the customers registered a fake/ false information (such as name, address and
telephone numbers) or if the customers create any trouble (such as cancellation without giving prior notice to
ASIA YAOSHO or non-payment or ordered products and transportation) YAOSHO Point will automatically
14. ASIA YAOSHO reserves the right to change portions and/or everything from its services without prior
15. If the customer (member) decides to file a case (or cases) against YAOSHO Points Tokyo Regional Court or
Tokyo Court will solely be the venue to handles such cases.